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Pine Tree Greeting Mesa


Pine Tree Sick Mesa AZ


Pine Tree Dead Needles Queen Creek


Pine Tree Dead Needles Tempe AZ


Pine Tree Dead Branches Ahwatukee AZ


Mile-high dust storm engulfs Phoenix



Your Eastern White Pine Trees That Have Dead Limbs Call Us From Scottsdale Call Us


    If you're having problems with your Pine trees and you live within 50 miles of Mesa Az, you should probably have me out take a look at them, there are medicines that I can Inject the trees with, that will boost there immune system, and speed up the healing process of the trees.


    The massive dust storm we recently had has spread mites and other insects throughout the valley like I’ve never seen. This increase in insects, and the record breaking heat of 2011and 2019 has dangerously stressed many tree species, particularly the pine trees.

    You see a pine trees first line of defense is its sap and when a pine gets dried out it can’t defend itself very well from insects. This video will help you determine if your pine trees are in trouble

    Here is what you need to do if the limbs on your pines start dying:

1. Resist trimming - removing dead branches might make things look better but unless the branch has been dead for a few years it will probably cause sap loss where cut. Instead wait a year of so until the tree is insect free.

2. Increase watering immediately. Here in the desert it wouldn't hurt to exceed the amount of water a pine would get in its natural environment.

    Take a look at the annual rainfall in Washington State. Also notice how well large pines do in lawns that are green all year long.

    Pines need a lot of water! For more information on this subject please see Watering Non Native Trees on this website.

3. Starting immediately - treat your Pine trees yearly with Bio Advanced Tree And Shrub, which you can get from Home Depot.

    This product comes in both liquid and granular, I believe the granular is the safest to use. You can get the Bio Advanced Tree And Shrub from Home Depot.

    It's very important to read the cautions on the label of this product and I would recommend that you keep your kids and dog’s inside until the poison is completely washed into the soil, and the soil is dry.

    The Instructions will tell you how much you need to buy and be sure to wear gloves.

    Be careful when you use the Bio Advanced Tree And Shrub.

   In 6 months use the Ultra Tree Spike. Use one spike for every 2 inches of tree diameter. Store in a cool place our sheds and garage's get to hot in the summer time. Repeat yearly.

Click here to order the Ultra Tree Spikes

4. have us treat your pines with medicines that will accelerate the healing process from the damage done from the micro pathogens carried by insects.

    We now understand -in part- how a trees immune system works.

   Every cell of every plant contains enzymes that dissolve fungus, bacteria, and viruses. These enzymes are the same as the enzymes in our spit that dissolves meat.

   Normally a tree has a strong immune system, but when the reserve energy of a tree becomes depleted due to damaged leaves, incorrect watering, or improper pruning, the immune system suffers. Under normal circumstances, once these issues are resolved, and if the tree survives, everything will go back to normal in two to four years.

    If you're having problems with your Pine trees and you live within 50 miles of Mesa Az, you should probably have me out take a look at them there are medicines that I can Inject the trees with, that will boost there immune system, and speed up the healing process of the trees.

    You should also download these instructions on how to deal with the insects that are damaging your Pine trees.

These are the instructions to download.


I hope you found this page about Ash Tree Diseases in Mesa AZ useful. If you have any questions about Tree Disease please contact our Tree Service to schedule an appointment. We have been treating sick trees for over 50 years. We currently serve, Mesa AZ, Gilbert AZ, Chandler AZ, Scottsdale, Phoenix AZ and all of Maricopa County AZ.